National Economic Impact Study of the Camp Industry

What are we doing

In May 2023, the American Camp Association (ACA) selected the University of Michigan Economic Growth Institute to conduct a national economic impact study for the camp industry. Through this project, the research team will equip the camp industry with new data across three areas:

  1. Comprehensive data on the size, distribution and composition of the camp industry
  2. Direct, indirect, and induced economic impacts of the camp industry in each state and at the national level
  3. Contributions of seasonal camp employment to the development of key workforce skills and competencies

The research team is conducting data collection through two survey instruments and desktop research. Learn more and see how you can participate in this study in the sections below.

For questions and additional information please contact:
Eli McClain, Research Project Manager
Economic Growth Institute, University of Michigan
(734) 647-2328

For Camp Operators

We know that multiple types of entities are engaged in the production and execution of camp programming. Our research seeks to employ an inclusive definition to measure, to the greatest extent possible, the size, composition and impact of the camp industry. All entities operating three or more consecutive days of day and/or overnight camp programming are eligible to participate in our 2023 Camp Impact Survey and will be included in our Camp Census.

Participation in this survey is voluntary and will contribute to increased understanding of the impact of camps on national and state economies. Individual survey response data on respondent contact information, camp financial data, and employment and camper numbers will be kept confidential and will only be reported in aggregate at the state and national levels. Some survey data, including camp name, location, and program types may be used in the production of the Camp Census.

Learn more about the 2023 Camp Impact Survey in our Response Data Guide.

For Camp Industry Associations

The camp industry is large and continues to be difficult to quantify. We recognize the important role that industry associations, groups, and agencies play in setting and maintaining standards, understanding current trends and needs, and forging strong relationships across the field.

To collect the most robust data possible, we are eager to engage with local, state and national camp organizations to:

  • Further communicate the goals of this study and its importance to the field
  • Expand the distribution and response rate of our 2023 Camp Impact Survey
  • Ensure that the camp industry is accurately represented in our Camp Census

If you are interested in engaging with this project, please email

For Camper Families

Family travel to and from overnight camps contributes to the total economic impact of the camp industry, especially when families cross state borders on their trip. This survey seeks to collect information on these trips as well as your reflections on this summer’s camp experience.

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete the survey. With this survey, there are minimal anticipated risks with breach of confidentiality. Please see below for details of how we will protect your confidentiality and identity.

Participating in this study is completely voluntary, and there is no compensation for your participation. ACA will be randomly selecting ten respondents to win a $100 Amazon gift card. Even if you decide to participate now, you may change your mind and stop at any time. You may choose not to answer any question or continue with the survey for any reason.

We will protect the confidentiality of the data collected in multiple ways. Identifiable information (email addresses) will be stored separately from collected survey data if you chose to share your email addresses. All findings will be aggregated. Information collected in this project may be shared with other researchers within the Economic Growth Institute, but we will not share any information that could identify you. Additionally, your email address will only be used to contact you if you win the drawing.

If you have not received a link from your overnight camp, please email for access to the survey.