Informing & Transforming Tomorrow's Economy

November 2021 Newsletter

The Economic Growth Institute has provided innovative economic development programming and applied research for more than 35 years.
  • Topics that Educate your organization
  • Resources to support your organization's recovery
  • Profiled Talent we have developed through real world experiences
  • Economic Impact Study
  • Clean Energy Technology Adoption
  • EGI Annual Report
  • Next AMCP cohorts starts in January!
  • Meet our Staff & Students

Economic Impact Modeling for Michigan U.P. Community

As part of our on-going efforts to support local economic development, the Economic Growth Institute recently started offering local communities, companies and organizations economic impact modeling for various projects. This fall, EGI's research team worked with the City of Bessemer and the Western U.P. Planning & Development Region to understand the potential impact of a new trailhead facility. The community is utilizing the economic impact analysis to apply for federal funding to support this project.  

EGI works with each organization to determine what type of analysis supports their goals and we offer robust analysis to support decision making. Learn more about our economic impact modeling.

EGI leads clean energy technology adoption project

We are excited to partner with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) to develop a clean energy technology adoption roadmap in the manufacturing sector. The goal of the project is to identify, evaluate and detail opportunities to significantly accelerate adoption, specifically focusing on manufacturing adoption of clean energy technologies and techniques post-meter in two areas of the manufacturing sector: fuel switching and energy efficiency. 

Through this project, EGI will be working with Lawrence Technological University's Centrepolis Accelerator, which is also partnering with EGLE to develop a renewable energy asset roadmap and a geothermal asset roadmap. The clean energy adoption roadmap is expected to be completed in the Fall of 2022. 

Economic Growth Institute 2021 Annual Report

Map of southwest Michigan


EGI staff members have been busy this past year working with small companies across the region as they reestablish business momentum. The pandemic showed us the importance of our local manufacturers and innovators. The recovery is placing them and their communities at the forefront of change, driving resiliency and growth.

Our fiscal 2021 annual report shares this work, our accomplishments from the past year, and our commitment to equitable economic growth.

Read more

Advanced Manufacturing Cybersecurity Program (AMCP)

Do you want to be a part of or need a workforce that understands both cybersecurity and manufacturing?  If so, the next AMCP cohort of learner begins January 10, 2022.

Grant funding is available to cover program costs for learners
and internship costs for manufacturers. 

To learn more visit our website or
contact Mary Hannaford at mjhannaf@umich.edu

Interested in learning about what EGI resources can help your business?

Take a short 9 question survey to understand your business' resiliency and identify resources to help strengthen your business
Business Resiliency Survey

Staff Feature Mary Hannaford

Mary Hannaford is a project manager at the University of Michigan’s Economic Growth Institute. In this role, she has developed and implemented outreach plans to build and strengthen relationships with small to medium sized manufacturers across the state of Michigan with a focus on Industry 4.0 assistance and the Advanced Manufacturing Cybersecurity Program. 

Mary joined the Institute this fall after working for 6 years in state government, most recently in the executive office of the governor. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from College of Charleston and has experience in strategic planning, management, and coalition building around a variety of statewide initiatives.
Connect with Mary on LinkedIn Connect with Mary on LinkedIn

Student Research Associate Greg Hardison

Gregory Hardison is a Master of Urban and Regional Planning student at the university's Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning.  He also has a graduate certificate in real estate development.  Greg completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Iowa and completed an AmeriCorps year of service prior to coming to the University of Michigan.

Greg has been instrumental in supporting our community programs.  He has provided community development support for the Virginia Energy Storage and Electrification Manufacturing project in Southwest Virginia and the Palisades Economic Recovery Initiative in Southwest Michigan.  He hopes to find a career where he can combine his interests in urban planning, real estate development, and environmental sustainability.

Connect with Greg on LinkedIn Connect with Greg on LinkedIn
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The Economic Growth Institute has provided innovative economic development programming and applied research for more than 35 years.
Topics in this newsletter include:

  • Resources to support your organization’s recovery
  • Profiled Talent we have developed through real world experiences
  • Economic Impact Study
  • Clean Energy Technology Adoption
  • EGI Annual Report
  • Next AMCP cohorts starts in January!
  • Meet our Staff & Students

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