We support clients in continuous planning, monitoring, analysis, and assessment to ensure goal achievement. Our services include diverse training and strategic management solutions aimed at enhancing and bolstering board performance.
Direct Inquiries to:
Carmen Wells Quigg
Director of Community Development
Current Projects
Downriver Community Conference/ Downriver Riverfront Communities Economic Recovery Implementation Project
EGI provided technical assistance to local businesses affected by economic disruptions, offering projects valued at up to $10,000 each to enhance resilience and profitability. A total of $150,000 in funds was deployed into the region.
EVTIP: Electric Vehicle Transformation Impact Program
The Electric Vehicle Transition Impact Project (EVTIP) aims to provide direct support to communities affected by the closure of internal combustion engine (ICE) employers due to the transition to electric vehicles (EVs). In a real-time application, the state-level framework was utilized to assist the community of Romeo in responding to the closure of a Ford Motor Company ICE plant. The Economic Growth Institute (EGI) team continues to offer ongoing action-based planning assistance to the Village of Romeo, contributing valuable insights to refine the framework’s application in real-world scenarios.
Previous Engagements
The county received a detailed marketing strategy designed to attract businesses and investments, tailored to utilize its existing assets effectively. The plan included a timeline and clear steps for implementation and evaluation. Additionally, this engagement highlighted further economic development needs and resulted in the creation and launch of a new county website.
EGI assisted the Michigan Department of Treasury in the development and feasibility study of an information technology strategy for local government reporting of statutory financial data. EGI provided technical assistance in the form of stakeholder engagement and facilitation, community workgroup convening and management, and data collection and analysis, resulting in the development of the feasibility study final report.
Economic Growth Institute (EGI) facilitated a series of meetings and provided technical assistance for the development of the advisory council. EGI worked with key identified leaders and stakeholders from the region to envision the future of the region, conduct an audit of individual skills and expertise, and discuss how best to align the resources within the room within a greater economic development strategy.