How to Become a Certified Decision Coach

Completion of the Decision Coach training will help you to grow your business, create more value and enhance efficiency through a clearly defined scientifically based process.


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Decision Coach Application

Complete a short (5-10 min) application to help us understand more about your experience, background, and reasons for wanting to become a decision coach.
To qualify to be a Decision Coach, applicants must have a minimum of 5 years facilitation experience.
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The Interview

Once you have applied, a member from the Decision Coach Program will reach out to you via e-mail to schedule a 15-30 minute interview.
The interview is done to get to know you beyond the application, and ask you any clarifying questions from the application.
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Program Admittance

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted into the program! You will receive an e-mail with instructions and program details.

Program details include:

  • Program start date
  • Expected program completion date
  • Link to access Allovance Decision Coach Course
    • You will be prompted to pay the $2,300 certification cost before being able to enroll into the course
  • Link to create Allovance Software account
  • Contact information for a DC Program Manager

The course is a one-time, non-refundable $2,300 fee.

Phase 1: (Modules 1-10 and Case Study) = Approximately 30 hours.

Phase 2: (Live Engagement) = Approximately 40 hours.

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The Decision Coach Course

We use the e-learning platform Curatr to administer the Course. You will receive an email with instructions.
The Decision Coach Course consists of 10 modules that explain the Allovance process, the science behind the process, how to facilitate the process with a client, software videos/tutorials, and much more information to help you throughout the course.
The Course will walk you through several potential real-world situations in which you can begin practicing what you are learning.
Once you have completed the modules, you will then use the Allovance Software to complete your Case Study.


Live Engagement

Congratulations, you’ve completed and passed all 10 modules of the Decision Coach Course operated by the Economic Growth Institute at the University of Michigan. Now you will begin the live engagement phase.
This phase gives you the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned in the Decision Coach course through a live engagement with a client.

Further details can be found in the last module and/or by contacting the DC Program Manager.


Certification Awarded

Once you’ve completed the Live Engagement you will be awarded with the Allovance Decision Coach Designation and Certification from Allovance in partnership with the University of Michigan Economic Growth Institute.
A Decision Coach is capable of managing a quantified decision making process in a variety of categories.

They understand how to eliminate decision biases from the process, and implement the 5-step Allovance Method to help organizations reach better decisions that truly support organization strategies and are the most effective use of intellectual, mechanical, or financial capital.

Whether an independent consultant or an employee within an organization, we are confident you will be able to use Allovance to improve decision-making for your clients, teams, peers, and organizations.

Annual Maintenance for Coach Certification (after initial year):

  • Annual certification maintenance – $250 (waived 2022)
  • 3 quarterly calls per year available – Quarterly calls will be used to update existing coaches on new developments, share feedback and experiences of different coaches, and present new topics or information that could be helpful for coaches.
    • Coach must attend at least two of three Quarterly Calls
  • Annual Conference – 
    • Coach must attend the annual conference. Annual conference details will be sent out months in advance. The annual conference will be an opportunity to meet coaches around the world, share experiences, learn what’s new with Allovance, get updated on software developments, engage in activities with other coaches, network, and much more.


Ashlee Breitner
Ashlee Breitner
Kevin Rucinski
Kevin Rucinski
Carmen Wells Quigg
Carmen Wells Quigg
Steven Wilson
Steven Wilson
Vikesh Chandrashekar
Vikesh Chandrashekar